Gathering As One
A Virtual Outdoor Ministry Conference
November 17th-19th, 2020
Your New Intergenerational Retreat Resource
3:30-4:15pm EDT on Thursday, November 19
Come, let’s explore “Shine! Living as Children of God in a Restless World” - the new resource by GenOn Ministries that provides your staff what they need to lead intergenerational retreats (a printed version was in every conference box and a digital version is available below in the resources). An abundance of “choose your own adventure” options and ideas give you the flexibility to create what works for your center and the churches that will attend your retreats.

Liz Perraud has more than 30 years of experience in Christian faith formation. As Executive Director of GenOn Ministries, she is frequently called upon to speak and lead training in the US and Canada (or wherever she can go virtually). She is a contributor to “InterGenerate” (“The Art of Christian Relationships” chapter) and the forthcoming “Engage All Generations” (“Intergenerational Community Around the Table” chapter). In her spare time Liz enjoys volunteering in her church, hiking with her husband, and spending time with her granddaughters.