Gathering As One
A Virtual Outdoor Ministry Conference
November 17th-19th, 2020
Welcome to the Conference Dashboard
Thank You for a Great Event
We wish to thank all of you for participating in the "Gathering As One" Conference. This was a joint event of five denomination outdoor ministry associations. Special thanks goes to all of the volunteers who helped host sessions and exhibit hall booths during the three-day event. None of this could have been possible without the hard work of our Planning Team. Thanks is due to everyone for their role in this virtual conference.
We promised that you would be able to access recordings of each of the keynotes, workshops, and sharing sessions until November of 2021. That is still our promise, but it is going to take an enormous amount of time to edit, upload, and post all of those videos. Thank you for your patience. You will be able to access the recorded video by clicking on the button previously used for the Zoom link, like here on the Conference Opening.
Conference Schedule
Please use the tabs below to check out everything scheduled for each day. You will find a link to video content (and possibly some resources) related to most sessions. If you should encounter a bad link, please let us know.
all times are in Eastern time
3:00-3:45pm | Conference Opening |
3:45-4:45pm | Social Reception (a separate reception for each association) |
This contains recorded content from a wide variety of camps and retreat centers. This content will be available until November of 2021.