Gathering As One
A Virtual Outdoor Ministry Conference
November 17th-19th, 2020
Cassie Gabe (co-chair) from Lakeshore Center at Okoboji
Matt Shick (co-chair) from Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center
Lea Kone from Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake
Ryan Anderson from Stronghold Camp & Retreat Center
Jim Austin from Holston Presbytery Camp & Retreat Center
Robynne Howard from Cairn Family of Camps
Joel Winchip from PCCCA
John Reiter
Cal Findeiss
American Camp Association for their sponsorship of a live zoom workshop
Association of Presbyterian Church Educators for their sponsorship of a live zoom workshop
Board of Pensions of the PC(USA) for their sponsorship of a live zoom workshop
CampBrain for their sponsorship of the printed conference schedule
CampSite for their sponsorship of the conference box
GSB Fundraising for their sponsorship of a social reception
Insurance Board for their sponsorship of a live zoom workshop
Megasys Hospitality Solutions for their sponsorship of the conference pen and a social reception
Office of Christian Formation of the Presbyterian Mission Agency for their sponsorship of two keynotes
Outfit Your Logo for their sponsorship of the conference mug
Presbyterian Foundation for their sponsorship of a social reception
Presbyterian Youth Workers Association for their sponsorship of a live zoom workshop
Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network for their sponsorship of a live zoom workshop
Run River for their sponsorship of the conference beverage coaster
Texas Presbyterian Foundation for their sponsorship of the conference note pad
Ukirk Collegiate Ministries for their sponsorship of a live zoom workshop
Ultracamp for their sponsorship of a live zoom workshop
Outdoor Ministries Association of the Church of the Brethren
Outdoor Ministries Association of the United Church of Christ
Outdoor Ministries Institute of the United Church of Canada
Presbyterian Church Camp & Conference Association
United Church of Christ Outdoor Ministries Association